RFP 2022-01 Springfield-Franconia (Virginia) Market Assessment Study
Closing Date/Time: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 @ 2:00 PM Eastern Time
The FCEDA is seeking to obtain the services of a consultant to perform a market assessment study of the Springfield-Franconia commercial submarket in Fairfax County, Virginia. In addition, the selected consultant will evaluate revitalization implementation efforts specific to this study area. This study will be imperative to understand the existing commercial real estate market and pipeline, current and future development opportunities, and what is needed to encourage development in revitalization zones.
To view this solicitation, please visit our page on the Bonfire procurement portal at https://fairfaxcountyeda.bonfirehub.com/opportunities/54415 Offerors must register on the Bonfire portal in order to download the RFP documents and submit a response to this RFP. Submitting proposals via the Bonfire portal is mandatory. The Fairfax County Economic Development Authority will not accept proposals submitted by paper, telephone, facsimile (“FAX”) transmission, or electronic mail (e-mail) in response to this RFP.
The FCEDA strongly encourages offerors to submit proposals well in advance of the proposal submission deadline. A proposal submission is not considered successful unless all necessary files have been uploaded and the ‘Submit & Finalize’ step has been completed. Offerors are responsible for the consequences of any failure to plan ahead in the submission of their Proposal.
Please contact Bonfire at Support@GoBonfire.com for technical questions related to your submission. You can also visit their help forum at https://bonfirehub.zendesk.com/hc