April 29, 2021
TiE DC ScaleUp
- This event has passed.
TiE DC ScaleUp
Learn how to position your company for growth and success!
Join us for a forward-looking and engaging event designed for all entrepreneurs, featuring an a-list of speakers, thought leaders and subject matter experts. Get insights on a variety of aspects of scaling and growing your business venture – from business development, to sales and marketing, to growing teams to building products & solutions to funding.
This event is suitable for founders and CXOs of technology and management companies, in both commercial and government space. Hear from business leaders in our region, connect with TiE DC’s community of seasoned and new entrepreneurs, and learn how to achieve your growth goals.
Sign-Up for the Elevator Pitch Opportunity!!!
There is an opportunity for Startups to do an elevator pitch in front of seasoned mentors and advisors.
Request to participate in the Elevator Pitch sessions: https://forms.gle/QZHnzxt85z6f64BcA
Sign-Up for 1-1 Mentoring with Succussful Entrepreneurs!
There is an opportunity for Startup founders, founding team members to get 1-1 mentoring from a group of seasoned mentors, advisors, investors and serial entrepreneurs.
No matter what stage you are in your career, a Mentor will help you realize your full potential. At TiE DC, we have assembled highly accomplished entrepreneurs / professionals to be Mentors. They are investing their time, energy and personal know-how to assist in the growth of the mentees who choose them.
None of us are born “gifted” or with a “skill set”. We are already born with every gift that we need to succeed. More over, skill sets are time bound. They are not eternal. We need to constantly re-invent ourselves. We all know that hindsight is 20-20. With the right mentor, their hindsight becomes your 20-20. Since they have “been there and done that”, they can help you avoid making costly mistakes. In a sense, they provide you a “forward-view mirror” and provide a perspective of what to expect ahead.
Before you seek a Mentor, have an interpersonal conversation to discern your true weaknesses. A Mentor can help you complement these weaknesses with their strengths. They understand what it takes to become great – because they have done it themselves. They can help you navigate the tough choices that you face.
To participate in MentorConnect at TiE DC ScaleUp:
1. Register for the event
2. Fill out our MentorConnect request form.
Once you do this, you will be given the opportunity to select a mentor from a cross section of luminaries with diverse industry expertise. The allocation of Mentors will be strictly done on a first-come-first-serve basis. The complete list of mentors is below. We are striving to add more mentors each day.
We will be posting additional information on dos-and-don’ts during a Mentoring session, what to expect from your Mentor, etc. as the conference date approaches.
We wish you the very best in your entrepreneurial endeavors.
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